Rosa Menkman

Every technology possesses its own inherent accidents.
I am a Dutch artist and theorist who likes to focus on visual artifacts created by accidents in both analogue and digital media. The visuals I make are the result of glitches, compressions, feedback and other forms of noise. Although many people perceive these accidents as negative experiences, I emphasize their positive consequences: I believe that these artifacts facilitate an important insight into the otherwise obscure world of media resolutions.
By combining both my practical as well as my academic background, I intend to merge my practice into a grand theory artifacts (a study of glitch ecologies).
Since 2007 I have been narrowing down my focus on both performances and static work, such as "Vernacular of File Formats" and my "Acousmatic Videoscapes", in which I connect both sound and video artifacts conceptually, technically and narratively. Right now I am interested in considering alternative ways for performative lecturing.